Monday, March 18, 2019

Yesenia Zamarripa and Derondika Davis
Married at Cochino Lodge

What a large group of family and friends. I really got to know the bride and groom over the last year of visiting with them.  They are one of the nicest and friendliest couples that I know. Their families raised them well. They are kind, considerate and have such good personalities. Such a pleasure to have them at Cochino.
The  Bride and her Bridesmaids and family had the lodge arranged beautifully. Simple and so Elegant. Manzanite trees and tall vases of floral and branches adorned the tables. Blue and Gold were the basic colors and looked magnificent.   The 4 tiered bridal cake was gorgeous and delicious. The groom decorated his table. It reflected his interests and style. The grooms cake was equally beautiful and delicious. Everyone enjoyed the cakes till the end of  them all.  The wedding officiant presented a wonderful ceremony. He was elegant and had a heartfelt message for the new couple.  The wedding guests were such a pleasure. There were 8 brides maids and 8 groomsmen. A glamorous 16 attendants.   I enjoyed meeting them all especially a long lost cousin of mine. I knew her family but had not met her. Only her mother at college years before and always knew her dad's family the  Steed family in Kennard.  The food was delicious and catered. 
The new couple,  may they live together happily ever after, continue raising their family and hopefully they will visit Cochino again soon. 


The Davis family at Cochino Lodge

Mother of the Bride at Cochino

Mother of the Groom at Cochino



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