Monday, July 22, 2013

Fuller and Rodrigues wedding July 20, 2013 Cochino Lodge

Great Gathering for the Rodrigues and Fuller Wedding
Guests came from Wells, Texas to Celebrate as well as far as Washington, D.C.  The rains threatened but the bride decided on a North Deck Wedding which was magnificent.  Simple design, well placed guest section, Arch décor that was like no other and a large crowd with great music came together for a memorable wedding.  Dancing began shortly after the late afternoon wedding. Judy Fields  got the crowd going with her music and expertise in getting most everyone on the dance floor.  Sometimes she would even participate to show steps that the music could be best experienced.  Watching the bride and groom dance the last dance of the wedding- night told it all.   They moved along the dance floor with ease with each knowing what moves to make next. It was effortless. May life be the same with them....smooth and easy moving.    Lot of fun.
The bride was so beautiful.  The Groom was handsome  and their son was adorable.
The professional photographer will  send her photos of the wedding from start to finish. I am looking forward to them.  Meanwhile  enjoy the below photographs and send them to everyone. 
Cakes by Arele's Cakes in Lufkin ...beautiful and tasty.
Music - Judy Fields - Fun FX Entertainment​   936-553-8855
Beautiful Mrs. Rodrigues

Jade at Cochino Lodge

Lamour at Cochino Lodge 
Arely's Cakes at Cochino Lodge




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