Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ashleigh Williams and Jared Benton Marry at Cochino Lodge

Benton and Williams
June 29, 2013
Wedding Ceremony at
Cochino Lodge
A Beautiful Bride and Handsome Groom
came to Cochino to have an unforgettable wedding.
The Bride chose a vintage, old world look, that was so interesting and unique.
Bridesmaids and Groomsmen assisted in getting the décor underway and the seating in place.
Family and friends as well, gave a helping hand and the wedding was underway.  The décor was multifaceted. It was well thought out and flowed throughout the wedding venue. Harbuck and Company took many photos which I am anxious to see.  The music was great and a lot of dancing went on.  The Food was outstanding and plenty of it. The cakes were Elegant....artfully done by Grandough Baking Company of Lufkin.  They were delicious as well.    The following photographs will tell the beautiful story of the new couple who are about to start their lives out together.

Ashlie Williams At Cochino Lodge

Cochino Lodge

Cochino Lodge

Cochino Lodge

Cochino Lodge 

cochino lodge

Grandough Baking Company -Cakes at Cochino Lodge

Cochino Lodge-Wedding of Williams and Benton

Mid Deck of Cochio Lodge

Cochino Lodge Wedding of Benton and Williams

Cochio Lodge entry to Mid Deck

1920 typewriter Cochino Lodge

Mid Deck to Dance Deck of Cochino Lodge

Lake View at Cochino Lodge of Williams and Benton Wedding

Guest Register at Cochion Lodge. Brides have great ideas.

Cochino lodge dance deck beverage cart

Cochino lodge dance deck

Vintage Cameras  melded with photos and initials of the new couple


Cochino Lodge wedding of Benton and Williams

Harbuck at Cochino Lodge

Harbuck at Cochino Lodge

The Kiss at Cochino Lodge

Cochino Lodge

Cochino Lodge

Phoebe at cochino Lodge

Just Married at Cochino Lodge


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