Saturday, December 29, 2012

Weches Pentacostal Church Gather at CochinoLodge

The Weches Pentacostal Church members began the Celebration of Christmas at Cochino Lodge. A wonderful group gathered and had warm and friendly and fun time. There was a lot of laughter, fellowship and delicious food.  It is a pleasure to be with this group whose spirits are so gentle, kind, patient and giving. 
Cochino Lodge Lobby ready for the
Weches Pentacostal Celebration of Christmas


Fun and Games at Cochino Lodge with the Weches Pentacostal Church
Celebration of Christmas


Cochino Lodge Lobbty

The Lobby at Cochino Lodge

Beautiful Guests at Cochino Lodge

The Wells at Cochino Lodge

Raul Vasquez at Cochino Lodge

The Vaughns at Cochino Lodge

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