Monday, October 22, 2012

The Wedding of Samantha Vaughn and Jason Blackwell was held at Cochino Lodge

October 20, 2012
Samantha Vaughn and  Jason Blackwell
Married At Cochino Lodge

The weather was made for this wedding. It was cool and sunny at the same time. The landscape of trees cast a deep shadow and the lake was shimmering and glistening. The banks of the lake were lined with young men as well as children.  Fishing went on Friday and Saturday untill nightfall.  As the time for the wedding approached everyone gathered on the East Lawn for a lovely ceremony.  Off to the side was Joe Blackwell's  1949 Ford pickup that looked like new.  Both families have an interest in vintage cars and trucks so it was very appropriate to have this as part of the ceremony.  Guests came from near and far.  The Chef, Judy Blackwell, as well as being the Cake artist, came from  Ferriday, Louisiana and provided the guest with delicious food and desert.  Creole Cuisine melded with Typically Texas delighted the guests. There was 24 feet of food to enjoy...and that was a lot of food!!!!!   The bridal music was provided by Bert Rodriguez on the guitar.  Not typical bridal fare but well done and enchanting.  After dinner, the wedding guests enjoyed music and dancing and visiting with family and friends. 
Samantha , a beautiful bride and Jason a handsome Groom are now Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell. 

Professional Photographer, Christine Ackley, took hundreds of photographs that I will post later.

Please enjoy the following phogographs  from the Cochino Lodge collection.

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