March 5, 2011
It seemed that Spring began on this day. The grass was suddenly green and the pear trees were budding out with white flowers peeking through. Nature's way of adding to the decor. A great sign for the beginning of beautiful new life and a wedding about to happen.
Donald Coulter (aka Booger) and Jana Jones began spring with a great Ceremony.
Spring showers came and went just in time for the couple to have a sunny outdoor wedding.
The open air Chapel was the setting for the ceremony. A slight breeze made waves in the fabric curtains creating ambiance of another era. Age Old Church Benches were a part of the ceremony for the family to sit.
The bouquets were spheres of roses and cystals sparkeling.
The beautiful happy bride just before the ceremony

So pretty.
The Brides Maids
Amanda Scarborough & Connie Moreno
The Bride and her attendants
Amanda Scarborough & Connie Moreno
A beautiful bride and her precious flower girl.
Her daughter Hannah
Steve Thompson, bride's brother and her daughter Hanna
The Bride , brother and the flowergirl walking to the Chapel
Sweet Hannah lines the walk with rose petals
Having fun
Amanda, Jana,Connie
This cale was gorgous. It was made by the Groom's Sister
Kathy Allums
The Groom's Sisters and the Bride's Sister all worked toward a well coordinated wedding with lots of food, music and fun. Juanita Coulter and Sharon and Kasey Thompson were busy, busy , busy. We cannot forget the Groom and his attnedants who put the chapel into order and aligned all the chairs. Very Elegantly done, even the Brides Maids thought so too.
Brother of the Bride
Steve Thompson
The Ceremony
The evening before the wedding, rain threatened the nicely arranged seating. However the new day brought a warm sunny day and the wedding took place in the open chapel on the West Lawn.
Love those feathers, these were the rage at this wedding.
Such sport.
The couple's first walk together as Mr. & Mrs. Coulter.
Flower baskets of Roses headed up the walk to the Chapel
Lovely Flower Girl.
Daughter Hannah
A special song was by Katie Thompson, Niece of the bride. Very beautiful.
The groomsmen. Love that look.
Jason Waller and Steve Massey
The Groom's Cake was make my the Groom's sister. A beautiful and delicious cake. Such a talented cake artist.
Davonta Colflesh, nephew, and Karen Coulter
Karen Coulter in the Cochino Lobby.
Young guests rest by the cascading waterfall.
Just about to get a kiss to seal the marriage.
Richard Owen Performed the Ceremony
...and off we go..................
The cascading water fall near the Chapel
Another Hat and Feather Man
The towering vases were filled with a single rose atop a mirror and scatterings of beads and crystals.
The old saddle held the flatware.
Sister of the Bride , Brenda Herrada,
helping with the flowers. Richard Owen performs the ceremony
Ring the bell to start the ceremony and ring the bell when it finishes. A marriage between two bells.
...and they will live happily ever after. !!!
Help from Hannah cutting the cake , how precious.
Rings a symbol of unity.
Great Attendants
Look at this, so cute.
They have to standing on early 4-leaf clover.
Good luck for ever.
The Ceremony
Every one loves 'rain on a tin roof.'
But this couple have one better and that is
'A long kiss under a tin roof'
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