Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cochino Lodge presents Mr. & Mrs. Cunningham

Cochino Lodge Weddings
Kansas & Bradley Cunningham
April 25, 2009

The Second Kiss

The Weather was windy
But the day was Beautiful
The Clouds were kind to them and let the Sunshine in.

The Groom's Parents

The Bride's Beautiful Golden Brown Locks
A Story-Book Beauty.
Parents of the Bride
The Groom waits for the Wedding to Begin

Wow !!!!!!!! The most ususual Cake made by
Cake Artist
Vickie Cunningham of Lufkin, Texas
The Armadillo Cake respresents all that is Truly Texas

Parents and Sister of the Bride
The Bride and Groom received a Gift of Magic Eggs from the Happy Hens of Suzanne Steed. These Eggs were gathered the day of the wedding and are to bring good luck.

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